Proclamation of King George V

Royal Sep 24, 2022

Taken from the Bicester Advertiser, 13th May 1910:

“The High and Mighty Prince George Frederick Ernest Albert,” was duly proclaimed “our only lawful and rightful Liege, Lord George the Fifth” on the Bicester Market Square on Tuesday, at 12 noon, in the presence of a large crowd of people, many of whom were attired in mourning. The members of the Urban Council present were Messrs. J.W. Hunt (chairman), H.C. Jagger (vice-chairman), T. Buckle, J. Campin, W.A. Prentice, V. Malins, and T. Grimsley, while there were also present in the wagonette, from which the proclamation was read, Mr E.F. Tanner (clerk to the Council), and Mr T.C. Finch.
The local company of the Territorials, under Sergeants Grimsley, and Hearn, the Police of the Ploughley Division, under Superintendent, Allmond, Fire Brigade under Superintendent Grimsley, the Church Lads’ Brigade, under Captain Jackson and Lieutenant Goble, and the Boy Scouts, commanded by Scout Master P.L. Smith, were drawn up in front of the wagonette, around which a large and representative crowd surged.
The General Salute having been sounded by Buglers A. Evans and G. Coles, of the C.L.B., the Chairman of the Council called upon Mr E.F. Tanner to read the Proclamation, which he did in the following terms:
“Whereas it has pleased Almighty God to call to His Mercy our late Sovereign King Edward the Seventh, of Blessed and Glorious Memory, by whose decease the Imperial Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland is solely and rightfully come to the High and Mighty Prince George Frederick Ernest Albert.
“We, therefore, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of this Realm, being here assisted with these of His Late Majesty’s Privy Council, with numbers of other principal Gentleman of Quality, with the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Citizens of London, do now hereby, with one voice and consent of heart and tongue, publish and proclaim that the High and Mighty Prince George Frederick Ernest Albert is now, by the death of our late Sovereign of Happy Memory, become our only lawful and rightful liege Lord George the Fifth, by the Grace of God, King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India.
“To whom we do acknowledge all Faith and constant obedience with all hearty and humble affection, beseeching God, by whom Kings and Queens do reign, to bless the Royal Prince George the Fifth, with long and happy years to reign over us. - Given at the Court of St. James, this Seventh day of May in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ten.”
The bugles were again sounded, after which Mr Hunt called for three hearty cheers for the King, cheers such as only Englishmen could give. Before they gave the cheers, however, he wanted to say one word. He would not detain them long. He did not suppose that in that assembly there was a single person who would not join with them in their fervent hope that King George might prove a worthy successor in all things of his illustrious father, the late King Edward. Edward the Peacemaker. Such a title as that was a crown of glory to any monarch. “Long may his memory continue, and may God grant to our Sovereign Lord King George a long, happy, prosperous and peaceful reign. God Save the King.”
Hearty cheers were then given for King George, during which Assistant Scout Master M.W. Smith waved the Union Jack. “God save the King” was also sung, and the ceremony came to an end. As the crowd left the Market Square the Church bells struck up a joyous peal, which was repeated in the evening.
